Description: Whipped cream, also known as whipped topping or Chantilly cream, is a sweetened dairy product made by whipping heavy cream to incorporate air and create a light, fluffy texture. The resulting product is used as a topping for desserts, such as pies, cakes, and ice cream, as well as a component of many other desserts and drinks. Whipped cream can be made at home with an electric mixer or by hand, or it can be purchased pre-made in cans or tubs at grocery stores.
Tags: Whip Cream Topping/Glaze Resep Whip Cream Whip Cream lezat Whip Cream yang mudah dibuat Whip Cream homemade Whip Cream enak Whip Cream yang populer
Campur jadi satu Gusto Cremoso Cream dan air di dalam mixer bowl, kocok dengan kecepatan tinggi selama ± 4 menit hingga cream mengental dan kaku. Whip cream siap digunakan.
Gusto Cremoso Whip Cream 1000 g Air dingin matang (5°C) 2000 g.
Tersedia dalam gramasi 10 Kg & 1 Kg