Description : Powdered sugar for donuts is a finely ground sugar that is commonly used to sprinkle on top of freshly fried or baked donuts. It adds a sweet and slightly grainy texture to the surface of the donuts, creating a delicious finishing touch. Powdered sugar for donuts is also commonly used in other baked goods, such as muffins, cakes, and cookies, to add a sweet and decorative touch.
Tags: Puding Susu Puding Susu Desserts Resep Puding Susu Puding Susu lezat Puding Susu yang mudah dibuat Puding Susu homemade Puding Susu enak Puding Susu yang populer
Taburi di atas donat, dapat juga sebagai taburan di atas kue.
Campur jadi satu Gusto Cremoso Cream dan air di dalam mixer bowl, kocok dengan kecepatan tinggi selama ± 4 menit hingga cream mengental dan kaku. Whip cream siap digunakan.
Tersedia dalam gramasi 10 Kg & 1 Kg