Description:"Generally, black glutinous rice steamed brownies have a distinctive sweetness from granulated sugar, savory taste from black glutinous rice flour, and a pleasant aroma from coconut milk. The texture of black glutinous rice steamed brownies is also tend to be soft and chewy because the main ingredient is black glutinous rice flour which has a lower gluten content compared to wheat flour. Add toppings according to taste, such as grated cheese, almonds, or chocolate shavings to add different flavors and textures."
Kocok Gusto Nero Riso Brownie dan telur dengan kecepatan sedang selama ± 6 (gunakan balloon whisk). Masukkan santan ke dalam adonan, aduk perlahan menggunakan spatula hingga rata. Tuangkan setengah dari adonan ke dalam 2 cetakan ukuran 18x18x7 cm yang telah dioles margarin dan dialasi kertas roti, kukus selama ± 15 menit. Tuang sisa adonan di atas adonan yang sudah matang lalu ratakan dan kukus kembali selama ± 15 menit.
Gusto Nero Riso Brownie 1000 g , Telur 600 g Telur , Santan instan 300 g
Tersedia dalam gramasi 10 Kg & 1 Kg