Description : Baked brownies are a type of chocolate cake that is made by baking in an oven. This cake has a dense and rich texture, with a distinctive chocolate aroma. Usually, baked brownies are made from a mixture of flour, sugar, butter, eggs, and chocolate. Some recipes may also include additional ingredients such as nuts or chocolate chips to add flavor and texture variety. Baked brownies are very popular all over the world and can be enjoyed as a dessert or snack anytime.
Campurkan jadi satu semua bahan, aduk dengan kecepatan sedang selama ± 3 menit (gunakan kocokan bentuk kipas). Tuang adonan ke dalam 4 cetakan ukuran 22x10x4 cm yang sudah dioles margarin dan dilapisi kertas roti @ 425 g. Panggang di dalam oven panas ± 180°C selama ± 35 menit.
Gusto Rivoli Brownie 1000 g , Telur 340 g , Minyak sayur 360 g.
Tersedia dalam gramasi 10 Kg & 1 Kg