Description : Gusto brownies kukus ketan hitam lapis pandan is a cake mix that can be used to make steamed black glutinous rice brownies with layers of pandan flavor. It typically includes a mixture of glutinous rice flour, cocoa powder, sugar, baking powder, and other ingredients needed to make the brownies. The batter is then divided into two parts, one part is mixed with pandan juice to add green color and flavor, while the other part is mixed with black glutinous rice flour to create a dark layer. The batter is then steamed in layers to create a two-tone effect. Gusto brownies kukus ketan hitam lapis pandan is a popular choice for making homemade steamed brownies with an Indonesian twist.
Kocok Brownies Kukus Ketan Hitam Mix dan telur dengan kecepatan sedang selama ± 6 menit lalu tambahkan santan dan aduk perlahan hingga tercampur rata. Tuang adonan ke dalam loyang ukuran 22x10x7 cm yang sudah dioles margarin dan dilapisi kertas roti, lalu kukus selama 15 menit. Kocok Ketan Pandan Kukus Mix dan telur dengan kecepatan sedang selama ± 6 menit lalu tambahkan santan dan aduk perlahan hingga tercampur rata. Tuang adonan di atas adonan pertama yang sudah matang, ratakan dan kukus kembali selama 15 menit.
Mix the Black Glutinous Rice Steamed Brownies mix and eggs at medium speed for approximately 6 minutes, then add coconut milk and stir slowly until well combined. Pour the batter into a 22x10x7 cm baking pan that has been greased with margarine and lined with baking paper, then steam for 15 minutes. Mix the Steamed Pandan Glutinous Rice mix and eggs at medium speed for approximately 6 minutes, then add coconut milk and stir slowly until well combined. Pour the batter onto the first cooked layer, spread evenly, and steam again for 15 minutes.
Brownies Kukus Ketan Hitam Mix: 175 g Gusto Nero Riso Brownie Mix, 115 g Telur, 70 g Santan
Ketan Pandan Kukus Mix: 175 g Gusto Pandan Strato Mix, 115 g Telur, 70 g Santan
Tersedia dalam gramasi 10 Kg & 1 Kg