Description: Red velvet roll cake is a type of roll cake made from a unique batter that produces a distinctive reddish-brown color and a characteristic chocolate flavor. Typically, this cake is served with cream cheese filling and topping. The name "red velvet" comes from the red color of the cake that resembles velvet. This cake is very popular in the United States and has now become popular all over the world.
Campur Gusto Red Velvet Swiss Roll dan telur, aduk dengan kecepatan tinggi selama ± 10 menit. Tambahkan butter/margarin yang sudah dicairkan ke dalam adonan, aduk perlahan hingga tercampur rata. Tuang adonan ke dalam loyang ukuran 30x30x4 cm yang sudah dioles margarin dan dilapisi kertas roti. Panggang di dalam oven panas ± 180°C selama ± 20 menit.
Gusto Red Velvet Swiss Roll 1000 g , Telur 1800 g , Butter/margarin 400 g (dicairkan).
Tersedia dalam gramasi 10 Kg & 1 Kg