Description: "Steamed black forest cake" is a variation of black forest cake that is baked using a steaming technique instead of an oven. The black forest cake batter that has been filled with layers of cream and cherries is poured into a baking pan that has been greased and lined with parchment paper. Then, the pan is placed on a steamer pot that has been filled with water and heated until the water boils. The cake is then steamed for around 45-60 minutes until it is cooked. Once cooled, the cake can be decorated with grated chocolate, whipped cream, and cherries according to taste.
Kocok semua bahan di dalam mixer dengan kecepatan tinggi selama ± 6 menit. Tuang setengah dari adonan ke dalam 2 cetakan ukuran Ø 20 cm yang sudah dioles margarin dan dilapisi kertas roti, kukus selama ± 25 menit dengan api besar. Tuang sisa adonan di atas adonan yang sudah matang lalu kukus kembali selama ± 20 menit.
Gusto Ramoli Black Forest 1000 g , Telur 500 g , Minyak sayur 250 g
Tersedia dalam gramasi 10 Kg & 1 Kg