
Gusto Brownies Kukus Mawar 10 Kg

Gusto Brownies Kukus Mawar 10 Kg

Description: Gusto brownies kukus mawar is a type of cake mix that can be used to make steamed rose-shaped brownies. It typically includes a mixture of flour, cocoa powder, sugar, baking powder, and other ingredients needed to make the brownies. The batter is then poured into silicone molds that are shaped like roses and steamed until cooked. Once cooled, the brownies are removed from the molds to reveal a beautiful rose-shaped design. Gusto brownies kukus mawar is a popular choice for making homemade steamed brownies with a unique and attractive presentation.

Gusto brownies kukus mawar is a type of cake mix that can be used to make steamed rose-shaped brownies. It typically includes a mixture of flour, cocoa powder, sugar, baking powder, and other ingredients needed to make the brownies. The batter is then poured into silicone molds that are shaped like roses and steamed until cooked. Once cooled, the brownies are removed from the molds to reveal a beautiful rose-shaped design. Gusto brownies kukus mawar is a popular choice for making homemade steamed brownies with a unique and attractive presentation.

Panaskan kukusan dengan api besar. Campur Gusto Rosa Vapore Brownie, telur, dan air, kocok dengan kecepatan tinggi selama ± 5-6 menit, masukkan minyak sayur, aduk sampai rata. Tuang ke cetakan sampai penuh, lalu kukus dengan api besar selama ± 15 menit sampai matang. Angkat dan keluarkan dari cetakan.

Heat up the steamer over high heat. Mix Gusto Rosa Vapore Brownie, eggs, and water, beat with high speed for ± 5-6 minutes, add vegetable oil, stir until well combined. Pour into the mold until full, then steam with high heat for ± 15 minutes until cooked. Remove from the mold.

Gusto Rosa Vapore Brownie 1000 g , Telur 300 g , Air 250 g , Minyak sayur 125 g.

Tepung terigu, Tepung jagung, Gula halus, Susu skim bubuk, Pengemulsi nabati, Baking powder, Bubuk kakao, Perisa cokelat, Pewarna makanan: Biru Berlian FCF CI 42090, Tartrazin CI 19140, Karmoisin CI 14720, Coklat HT CI 20285).

Tersedia dalam gramasi 10 Kg & 1 Kg